Category Archives: General

What is a Threat Actor in Cyber Security?

In cyber security, a threat actor refers to an individual, group, or entity that has the capability and the intent to carry out malicious activities against digital assets, information systems, or networks.

Threat actors vary widely in terms of their motivations, resources, and techniques and can include hackers, cyber-criminal organisations, nation-states state-sponsored entities, hacktivists, insiders, disgruntled employees, or even a competing organisation.

Although the threat landscape is dynamic, and new threat actors and TTPs continually emerge, we have observed some very specific trends in threat actors over the past few years.

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How to Prevent Cyber Attacks in 2024

By now many organisations will have their core cybersecurity action plan on how to prevent cyber attacks for 2024, but have you considered the question Why is Cybersecurity Important for your organisation, and more importantly, has your organisation developed its cybersecurity plan of action for 2024? Although in the current environment it would be foolhardy to say that any level of plans or preparation can prevent a cyber attack, particularly against a determined or targeted threat actor, nevertheless steps can be taken which significantly reduce your organisation’s cyber risk and exposure so that you are able to protect your organisation from the majority of cyber threats it faces.

Here are 5 actions that should be high on your priority list to help your organisation to prevent cyber attacks in 2024.

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