Cyber Security Escape Room

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The Cyber Security Escape Room is a dynamic team building experience that uses the medium of cyber security attack and defence as the basis for learning or role play. Sessions can be held at your offices or offsite, at any location in Australia or New Zealand. Whilst navigating a cyber security scenario, your team will utilise role play enhanced by props, conduct and respond to “media interviews” and “breaking news” items, negotiate within the team to agree on the best way to respond to the developing scenario, and react under time pressure, negotiating with and responding to the attackers’ next move.

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Cyber Showdown

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Scenario Option 3 Hours

Your group is split into 2 teams, with one team creating and launching a cyber security attack scenario against the other team, whose goal is to defeat the attackers and protect your organisation.
Facilitators will support each team to plan or defend against the attack.

2 x Scenario Option 4 Hours

Your group is split into 2 teams, with each team having the opportunity to create and launch a cyber security attack scenario against the other team.

Facilitators will support each team to plan and launch the attack against the other team. The attack scenarios will be run one at a time, after which the roles are reversed and the team which was defending becomes the attackers.

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Hackers vs Heroes

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Your group operates as 1 team to defend a cyber security attack scenario against your organisation. Although this exercise is more tailored to your organisation, no prior cyber security knowledge and experience is required.

The scenario will take into consideration business continuity, crisis management or incident response policies your organisation may have in place, although these are not required.

After an initial cyber security awareness briefing, your team is thrown into a simulated scenario against live hackers. No actual attacks are launched in your environment, but the attackers are familiar with tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) used by global cyber security threat actors to develop and execute cyber security attacks.

Escape Room Scenarios


Data Theft Icon

Data Theft

Insider Attack Icon

Insider Attack

Supply Chain Icon

Supply Chain Attack

State Sponsored Icon

State Sponsored Attack

Team Outcomes

The primary focus of Cyber Security Escape Rooms is on team building. At the conclusion of the session your team will walk away with valuable team collaboration skills, whilst also gaining insights and awareness into cyber security attacks through the activities.

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Team Building

This day is really about fun, building team spirit, channeling healthy competition through the scenarios, and fostering improved communication and trust.

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Strategic Thinking Skills

Your team will return to the office feeling energised and can build on the experience of the Cyber Security Escape Room to think strategically, adapt quickly to evolving circumstances and most importantly, to work collaboratively with their peers.

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Security Topic Awareness

Your team will have a stronger understanding of how to respond in the event of a cyber attack. They will walk away with an understanding of tactics, techniques and procedures adopted by cyber attackers. Good cyber hygiene practices will be reviewed such as password protection; multi factor authentication; and how to recognise phishing attacks.

Cybiz Customer Support Representative

Call on: 1300 229 214

Contact us for more information about which Cyber Security Escape Room package is best for your organisation.