In the System Control Room IT Specialist and Project Engineer Have Discussion while Holding Laptop, they're surrounded by Multiple Monitors with Graphics. They Work in a Data Center on Data Mining.

Cyber Preparedness

A proactive investment in Cyber Preparedness enables an organisation to put the training, practice and an Incident Response Plan into action when it is needed.

The core goal of Cyber Preparedness is to implement practical steps for an organisation to be ready to face a Cyber-attack. Although every employee within your organisation bears some level of responsibility for establishing and maintaining Cybersecurity in an organisation, it is the responsibility of the Board and the Executive team to ensure your organisation has adopted a strategic program to understand and manage Cybersecurity risk within the organisation and adopt measures to ensure Cyber Preparedness. 

Following a holistic and strategic approach to improve your organisation’s cyber resilience

  • reduces the risk of a Cybersecurity incident occurring
  • ensures that in the event of a Cybersecurity attack, your organisation minimises the damage to operations and reputation and consequential financial losses.

A determined threat actor will be able to breach well secured systems, however our approach aims to prevent your organisation from being an easy target for opportunist Cyber-attacks.

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CyBiz’s Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

We utilise a People, Process and Technology approach to support organisations understand and mitigate existing Cybersecurity vulnerabilities.  CyBiz’s Cybersecurity Risk Assessment encompasses Cybersecurity governance, organisational capability assessment, third-party risk, and technology-based vulnerability scanning or penetration testing.

This provides your organisation with a detailed understanding of its Cybersecurity vulnerabilities and a comprehensive roadmap to enhance its Cybersecurity resilience. Organisations can also select individual modules, such as a Cybersecurity Policy and Process Audit or Penetration Testing.

CyBiz Training

Our Cybersecurity training focuses on obtaining practical skills to prepare for a Cybersecurity incident. Ensuring teams understand on a practical level what their roles are and the issues they can expect to face and address in the event of a Cyber-attack is key to Cyber Preparedness. We pressure-test teams to ensure that a Cybersecurity incident is not the first time that teams are contemplating the real-time decisions they will need to make when responding to a Cybersecurity incident.

Cybersecurity Playbooks

We support your organisation to develop Cybersecurity playbooks based on your Incident Response Plan, including decision frameworks for Cybersecurity incidents which encompass functional team roles; processes to support a decision to negotiate with or avoid communicating with a threat actor; mitigating data loss exposure; timing for restoration of data; internal and external communications.