Virus background against view of cityscape

Cyber Security Risk Assessment and Penetration Testing

Cyber Security Risk Assessments inform and support your organisation’s Board and Executive to identify relevant threats to your organisations, vulnerabilities, impact/harm that may occur through exploiting vulnerabilities, and the likelihood that harm will occur.

High-profile attacks conducted by professional Cyber-crime organisations with the skills and resources to infiltrate large organisations have changed the Cyber security risk landscape. Cyber security asymmetry means that defenders need to be right all of the time and threat actors just once. “Ransomware-as-a-Service” business model, AI, and the increased involvement of nation state actors and hacktivists have all increased the arsenal of sophisticated tools available for Cyber security threat actors.

Regardless of your organisation’s size or Cyber security maturity, it is vital to periodically assess your organisation’s Cyber security risks, threats and vulnerabilities. Cyber security Risk Assessments identify, estimate, and prioritise risk within an organisation’s operations as a core feature of Cyber security governance. The pace of change in the Cyber security threat landscape and ever-increasing digitalisation and expansion of internal organisational infrastructure, means that Cyber security Risk Assessments should be a core part of an organisation’s Cyber security program.

Regardless of the framework, we recommend that the following domains (or their equivalents) should be included in your organisation’s Cyber security Risk Assessment:

  • Governance, risk management and Cyber security policies
  • Awareness and training
  • Network infrastructure security
  • Access control, identification and authentication
  • Data security 
  • Supplier relationships
  • Incident detection and response  
  • Business continuity and contingency planning
  • Compliance
  • Physical and environmental protection
Cyber hacker in front of a laptop

Cyber Security Penetration Testing and Red-team Attacks

  • Networks
  • Web applications
  • Mobile applications
  • Cloud
  • IoT
  • OT

Our teams and technology partners have extensive experience and expertise in Cyber warfare and ethical hacking. Most have a Cyber security military background and are knowledgeable in practical and technical aspects of sophisticated network hacking, endpoint protection bypass techniques, RFID cloning, security alarm system bypass, amongst others. Penetration testers that we utilise actively engage in R&D and contribute to the cybersecurity community by publishing articles, presenting at conferences, and developing open-source testing tools, with access to the most extensively used penetration testing tools.

Cyber Security Risk Assessment Frameworks

CyBiz Cyber security Risk Assessments encompass all spheres of People, Process and Technology. We can follow specific Cybersecurity frameworks (ISO 27001, NIST CSF, Essential Eight), as required by your organisation, or utilise AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management—Principles and guidelines (ISO 31000) as a general framework.

CyBiz Cybersecurity Risk Assessments involve site visits, interviews with key personnel, review of organisational material and technology-based vulnerability scanning or penetration testing.